Our Vision

Our Vision is to Give Every Child A Permanent Loving Family

Our Mission

Ending Orphan-hood by helping children regain families.

Core Values

God's Mission and The Church, Family, Best Practices, Partnerships, etc

History of Ghana Without Orphans

Our Story

The vision of GWO emerged when Rev. George Abaidoo dreamt of building a village called Village of Hope Africa,where orphans and widows could stay together as a family.

Upon the recommendation of a friend, he attended the Transform World Global Leadership Summit at Geneva, Switzerland and Macon, France in August 2014 in a quest for knowledge and ideas to make his dream come true. At the conference, a movement by name, World Without Orphans facilitated the Orphan Challenge Workshop which changed Rev. Abaidoo’s perception and shifted his focus to family-based care.

He bought into World Without Orphans’ vision and upon his return to Ghana, decided to share the vision at the International Pastors and Ministers Conference- Ghana (IPMC) which he organizes annually in Accra.

main principles

Our Core Values

God’s Mission and the Church

We acknowledge that God is on a mission, and all children have inherent value in God’s eyes and an unconditional right to holistic development, to enable them to live up to the potential that God has given them. God cares in a special way for the fatherless, and we believe he has commissioned the Church, thus every Christian, to do everything in their power to disciple orphan and vulnerable children. We affirm the centrality of the local church and recognize its vital role in accomplishing God’s mission for all vulnerable children.


We believe that family goes beyond biological ties and it is the desire of God for every child to be in a loving family.

Collaboration and Synergy

We believe in the importance of collaboration with stakeholders and the power of synergy. With our shared vision, we esteem one another and the contributions each member or organization makes to the realization and achievement of a Ghana without Orphans.

Unity In Diversity

We value our diversities and celebrate the differences among our members, believing these distinctions make us stronger as a movement. We will make a conscious decision to pursue unity with one another despite our differences.

Catalyzing and Mobilization

We affirm the call of all family-based care organizations and recognize diverse approaches in bringing fulfillment to all children. We aim to inspire and be a catalyst at national, regional, local and community levels.


We exist as a movement to foster partnerships, relationship building, ongoing communication, encouraging innovation, learning together- including the sharing of ideas, experiences, research, and resources.

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Read About Our Latest Activities

We are on a mission to end orphan-hood in Ghana.